Localizing Dates. Set the correct date format in Vanilla JS.

Yurii K
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Each country and region has its distinct approach to displaying dates, making the task of universally accurate representation both challenging and essential. As developers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that dates are represented in a format that is both familiar and clear to the user, to prevent any misunderstandings that might arise from incorrect interpretations.

In the United States, the conventional format is MM/DD/YYYY, where the month precedes the day.

Conversely, in the UK, France, and many other countries, the preferred format is DD/MM/YYYY, highlighting the day before the month.

Intl.DateTimeFormat emerges as a powerful tool in this context, it allows developers to format date and time in accordance with user language and regional settings.

This functionality not only supports standard date formats but also allows for extensive customization. Developers can choose how detailed the date information should be.

In this example, we could specify to what language we need to transform the date or we can leave this parameter empty. In this case, language will be taken from the browser settings.

In the code, we create various date format representations using Intl.DateTimeFormat. This includes formats with different levels of detail — from full date and time representations to more concise formats.

From now on the formatting date is not a problem.

If you need to take a close look at the project here is the link.



Yurii K

Full-stack developer. In my work, I use Angular and C#. In my free time I write articles for my blog.