.Net guid
How we can synchronize threads?
When we use threads or tasks they could use the same resource (property, field, file). One of the thread could change resource and sometime other threads will be worked with previous resource state that will create a lot of mistakes. To avoid that we must synchronize thread.
Lock is very simple to use. All what we need to do is create a variable for synchronization and create block of code, this code will unavailable for other threads until the current thread is finished.
On the left side we can see the result when we using a lock and on the right side we can see the results without using a lock.
Monitor working very similar to lock but it has some additional methods like “TryEnter(Object)”, “IsEntered(Object)”. Right now we are interested in methods “Enter(Object)” and “Exit(Object)”, those methods define start and end position of block of code which will be unavailable for other threads.
Results will be the same like when we used “lock”.
One of the coolest features of “Mutex” is a timeout. What if one of the thread will be work infinite? This thread take the resource and other threads are waiting when the resource will be free. When time expire the resource is free.
As we can see we do not need to create a specific variable for synchronization like in case with “Monitor” or “lock”.
Methods “WaitOne()” and “ReleaseMutex()” define a block of code which must be synchronized. “WaitOne()” method have some overloads. One of them take an int parameter, that is a timeout.
Important thing if we need to check if current thread still control the “mutex”, if answer is yes we must release it.
In this scenario “Mutex” will release himself every time because sleep value is always more than timeout.
If we will remove parameter in “WaitOne()” method we will see a synchronization.
Second features that we could used “mutex” across different programs, different process. That mean we could synchronize separated programs.
For that we need to create “Mutex” using one of the constructor where second parameter is a name.
Mutex, Monitor and lock we are using when we resource must be used only by one thread.
“Semaphore” is similar to “Mutex” except one thing, “Semaphore” gives access to a resource by several threads simultaneously and we can control count of threads.
On line 8 we created a “Semaphore”. His constructor has two parameters: the first indicates how many objects the semaphore will initially be available, and the second parameter indicates what the maximum number of objects the given semaphore will use.
Just like a “Mutex” method “WaitOne()” has an override for timeout. Method “Release()” has an override, we control the count of vacant seats.
We can see that two threads has an access to the resource because in constructor we passed “2, 2”. We can change those arguments as we like.
Originally published at http://tomorrowmeannever.wordpress.com on June 17, 2019.